Ponencia Dr. Carli


3er Coloquio Doctorados 2020



  • Dr. Marco Carli
    "QoE and Immersive Media: A New Challenge"


In the past 20 years the ‘Quality of Experience’ (QoE) has increasingly become a necessary aspect to be taken into account by the multimedia industry. In fact, the QoE has allowed to extend the concept of image quality by considering other aspects to evaluate ‘the delight or annoyance of a customer's experiences with a service’. The concept of QoE is extremely important since it has a big impact on several fields, ranging from the acquisition to the rendering of multimedia contents.

Many studies have been performed to address the evaluation of the QoE for 2D and 3D contents. Nowadays we are facing a new challenging task: to study the QoE for immersive media. When talking about immersive media we are referring to different types of multimedia that allow the users to explore the content in their personal way thus introducing a new and important variable to be considered while evaluating the QoE. In particular, recent years have witnessed the spread of Virtual and Augmented Reality that allow the users to be involved in a more realistic and deep way in the artificial multimedia content or to interact with virtual objects. In this new scenario we are moving to the concept of ‘personal’ QoE. In this talk, I will give an overview of the main findings and trends.


Marco Carli is Associate Professor with the Department of Engineering at the Università degli Studi 'Roma TRE', Roma, Italy. He received the Laurea degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza', Roma, Italy and the Ph.D. degree from Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland. He was a Visiting Researcher with the Image Processing Laboratory, directed by prof. S.Mitra, UCSB, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA (2000-2004).

His research interests are in the area of digital signal and image processing with applications to multimedia communications. Specifically, he has been working on digital watermarking, multimedia quality evaluation, information security. He is an Area Editor of Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication and Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction of Multimedia. He is an IEEE Senior Member.


Department of Engineering, Applied Electronics Section
Roma TRE University. Via Vito Volterra, 60 - Corpo B
00146, Roma – Italy. 3rd floor - Room 3.22
Phone: +39 06 5733 7061, +39 06 5733 7026
Email: marco.carli@uniroma3.it
Skype: marcoskype5169